COMMUNIQUE – Ministry of Land Transport and Light Rail

Metro Express Project (Phase 2) – Closure of outer left lanes of St Jean Road (A8) in both directions between its junctions with Avenue des Capucines and Avenue des Girofliers, QuatreBornes

The public is hereby informed that works, pertaining to the Metro Express Project, currently being undertaken along St Jean Road, Avenue des Tulipes, Avenue des Capucines and Avenue des Girofliers as from 19 April 2021.
Accordingly, the outer left lane of St Jean Road up to its junction with Avenue des Girofliers will be closed to traffic in both directions. Traffic will be diverted onto the remaining inner lane in each direction.
Traffic signs will be set up to inform and guide road users on the approach to the works area.  Traffic will also be controlled by the Police during rush hours.
Drivers are strongly advised to exercise caution when approaching the works area and to drive within the prevailing speed limit.
The Ministry regrets for any inconvenience caused and relies on the usual collaboration and cooperation of the public.

16 April 2021

Ministry of Land Transport and Light Rail

