1. Following Government decision to declare the region of Vallée Pitot as red zone, the Ministry of Land Transport and Light Rail wishes to inform the public that no bus will operate within the above locality. However, buses will be available in the red zone for the conveyance of students sitting for the SC and HSC examinations only.
2. The United Bus Service Ltd (UBS) will operate its normal school buses bearing the “Examination Bus” sticker through Vallée Pitot to enable students, invigilators and
non-teaching staff to attend their Examination Centres.
3.The following arrangements will be effective, as from 25 May 2021, until further notice:
(a) buses operating on Route 150 (Pailles to Vallée Pitot) will start operation as from Colline Moneron, near GMD Atchia State College instead of Vallée Pitot; and
(b) buses operating on routes 182 (Cité La Cure to Gros Cailloux via Boulevard Victoria) and 237 (Vallee des Pretres to Pailles via Boulevard Victoria) will not proceed through Boulevard Victoria. These buses will, instead, circulate through Frere Felix de Valois, Pope Henessy and Desforges Streets, when coming from Cité Chebel to Cité La Cure and from Pailles to Vallee des Pretres respectively, and vice versa.
4. Buses operating on the following routes will cease to operate until further notice:
(i) Route 49 – Port Louis Transportation Centre to Vallée Pitot (Cité Rozemont)
(ii) Route 139 – Port Louis Transportation Centre to Cité Martial via Cité Rozemont
(iii) Route 115/115A – Plaine Verte to Cité Vallijee via Boulevard Victoria
(iv) Route 256/257 – Plaine Verte to Cité Vallijee via Boulevard Victoria
5. The Ministry of Land Transport and Light Rail relies on the usual collaboration of the public.
Ministry of Land Transport and Light Rail
25 May 2021
Source: Government Information Service