COVID-19: PM announces re-opening of additional economic activities as from 31 March 2021

Government is working towards the re-opening of additional economic activities as from 31 March 2021, announced the Prime Minister, Mr Pravind Kumar Jugnauth, during a televised message to the nation, this evening.

Prime Minister Jugnauth pointed out that additional Work Access Permits (WAPs) will be issued so that more sectors operate, hence boosting their activities. The objective of Government is to kickstart the economy, get the country back to normalcy and open the borders while taking into consideration the safety of citizens.

The Prime Minister recalled that the country is under lockdown since 10th March 2021 while highlighting that Government has implemented several bold measures to contain the virus in the country.

The health of the population, he underlined, remains the priority of Government. He called on the population to continue to abide by strict sanitary precautions such as maintaining social distance, sanitising of hands, wearing of masks and staying at home.

Speaking about vaccines, he indicated that Government is doing its best to ensuring that all vaccines that will be used in the country are effective. Herd immunity will be achieved when around 60% of the population has been inoculated. He extended his gratitude to countries such as India and China for providing vaccines to the Mauritius.

The Prime Minister also commended the contribution of all health workers and frontliners for their efforts in the combat against COVID-19 and expressed optimism that the country will overcome these testing times.
