The Prime Minister, Mr. Pravind Kumar Jugnauth, announced this evening in a televised address on the Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation the easing of restrictions as from 01 July 2021.
These are:
-Social gatherings of a maximum of 50 persons will be allowed;
-Restaurants and food courts can resume activities;
-Places of worship and cultural/social events can resume with a maximum of 50 persons;
-Funerals and marriage ceremony can be organised with maximum of 50 persons;
-Community and social centres, Citizens Advice Bureaus, and Village Halls will operate on an alphabetical order system;
-Sports activities will be allowed, and Fitness centres (gymnasium/sport complex) will be opened;
-Access to Public beach will be allowed for activities including walking and swimming but not picnics; and
-Casinos and gaming houses, theatres, nightclubs, cinema halls will be closed.
Prime Minister Jugnauth highlighted that these activities will be allowed but with the strict adherence to sanitary protocols and measures.
He underlined that after some fifteen months since the outbreak of COVID-19 in the country, we are today marking a new turning point in our battle against the pandemic but stressed that we must all remain vigilant and disciplined in our fight against it, as the pandemic will be present in some other form.
He observed that as we had another outbreak in March 2021, the Government handled the situation differently, with our previous experience and with the support of vaccines that have been developed, and implemented the Red Zones system instead of national lockdown. This, along with strict preventive measures has helped us control propagation of the corona virus, he stated.
The arrival of COVID-19 vaccines, he said, gave us the ability to handle the situation better, and on that note expressed gratitude to the Government of India which provided assistance to the country in these trying times, and to China as we were able to procure more vaccines.
He indicated that the 500 000th dose of COVID-19 vaccine has been administered today, and some 40% of the population has been vaccinated with a first dose, representing one out of two adults.
We are nearing our objective of inoculating 60% of the population to achieve herd immunity, that will enable us to move forward with our plan to reopen our borders, he said.
On that note, he lauded the decision of those who had their COVID-19 jabs, and observed that they are not only protecting their own health, but that of their family and the population as well.
He also recalled that as from the 15 July 2021, the country is all set to open for international passengers and that the easing of strict sanitary protocols and measures, lifting of restrictions, and full reopening of borders in October will depend on number and type of COVID-19 community cases and the number of inoculated persons.
As soon as we reach the target of 60% of vaccinated persons with the second dose, we will attain a stage of health security, he pointed out.
In addition, he laid emphasis on the determination and resolution of Government to procure vaccines for the population in this tough economic situation, and added that he acted for the protection of the health of the population and in particular children. He pointed out that those working in the health and education sectors have been encouraged to get vaccinated, and some 90% have been vaccinated so far.
He expressed pride over the achievement of the country in reaching such a high level of vaccinated citizens.
Prime Minister Jugnauth emphasised that it is time that the nation together, rebuild the Republic of Mauritius and added that in this new turning point we should make the right choices. These, he said, have guided the Government’s actions and today have enabled us to move ahead with the reopening of our borders and lifting of restrictions.
The Prime Minister observed that with Government’s vision, determination and hard work, and with the nation’s unity, huge achievements for our nation can be accomplished.
Source: Government Information Service